Monitoring Timer
In areas with low signal, the Monitoring Timer offers extensive protection and peace of mind to your lone and remote working employees.
How it works

Ultimate protection, wherever you are.

Why have a Monitoring Timer?
The lone worker device user sets the Monitoring Timer before entering a low-signal area.
Upon safely returning to an area with a cellular signal, the worker cancels the timer.
If an incident occurs and the timer runs out, operators in our Monitoring Center are alerted.
A pre-agreed escalation process is followed and attempts are made to locate the worker and confirm their safety.
SoloProtect Monitoring Timer: Stay safe in low signal areas
Frequently asked questions
What types of areas may have a low, zero or variable signal?
Examples of low signal areas include rural locations where cellular infrastructure is less developed; areas with geographical features that limit mobile network services due to topography e.g. mountainous regions; and building structures, materials, or underground spaces that inhibit mobile network availability.
Which devices have the Monitoring Timer feature?
The Monitoring Timer feature is available on all of SoloProtect's touchscreen devices: the ID Touch, Shield and Curve.
How does Monitoring Timer work?
The device user sets the Monitoring Timer before entering an area with a poor signal. This also activates a timer within our Emergency Monitoring Centre system. When the worker finishes their task and returns to an area with a stronger signal, they manually stop the timer before it expires. If the timer expires without being cancelled, our operators will begin a pre-agreed process of escalation and attempt to locate the worker to confirm their safety.