Ready2Talk ®

Ready2Talk is an innovative, proactive chaperone service designed to support workers in situations where there’s a clear safety risk.

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How it works

A Ready2Talk call should be activated when there's a clear safety risk (but a Red Alert emergency alarm is not yet required). The worker is connected to an operator in our Monitoring Center who will accompany them via a 1-way or 2-way call until they confirm they're safe. If an incident does occur, the operator will quickly escalate to a Red Alert.

With Ready2Talk, you're never truly alone.

Benefits of a Ready2Talk call

Provides support and reassurance to lone workers in non-emergency situations.
Empowers workers to choose the right protection for them following a dynamic risk assessment.
Workers are more effective in their roles due to improved peace of mind.
Super quick escalation to a Red Alert if an incident occurs during a Ready2Talk call.
Starts as a 2-way call and then, if preferred, can revert to a 1-way call for optimal discretion.
Available on our dedicted devices and our mobile app.


A worker identifies a risk to their safety and would like some support and reassurance.


A Ready2Talk call is activated on their device which connects the user to a Monitoring Center operator.


The highly-trained operator will then chaperone the worker until they have confirmed they're safe.


If an incident occurs, the operator will quickly escalate to a Red Alert and notify the emergency services.

Ready2Talk: Your safety chaperone

Discover SoloProtect's Ready2Talk feature, offering real-time support and reassurance for lone workers in potentially risky environments. Connect with a trained operator who can provide immediate assistance and peace of mind.

Frequently asked questions

When should the Ready2Talk feature be used?

Ready2Talk should be used proactively when there is a clear safety risk e.g. walking through a dark car park past a group of people acting suspiciously or entering a property when you can hear a heated argument going on inside.

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What's the difference between Ready2Talk and Check-In?

Check-In messages should be left regularly throughout the day - including if the device or app user feel uncomfortable. Ready2Talk should only be used if there's a very clear safety risk.

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What’s the difference between Ready2Talk and Red Alert?

A Red Alert is a reactive feature designed to be used in emergencies. Ready2Talk is a proactive feature which should be used prior to a situation escalating to a Red Alert.

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Is Ready2Talk available on all devices and apps?

Yes, our Ready2Talk feature is available on all of our lone worker safety devices and apps.

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