
The Check-In feature allows a user to record a short message, providing information about their location and activity to inform any subsequent alerts.

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How it works

A Check-In is a short, recorded voice message left via the device or app which provides contextual information about a worker's current location and activity. In the event of an emergency, the recorded information is accessed by a Monitoring Center Operator and used in conjunction with geolocation data to help them build a picture of the worker's location and what type of risks they might be facing. The Monitoring Center Operator can then facilitate a quick, informed response.

Performed as part of a dynamic risk assessment

Why Check-In matters

Provides vital information to our operators in the event of an emergency.
Allows for a quicker alert verification and, therefore, a more efficient escalation.
Works in conjunction with the geolocation technology within the lone worker device or mobile phone.
Forms a key part of a lone worker's dynamic risk assessment and promotes regular device usage.
Encourages all involved to make 'duty of care' a shared responsibility.
Available as standard on all devices and mobile app solutions.


A lone worker arrives at a new location, begins a new activity or identifies a new risk.


The worker records a short voice message detailing their name, current location and activity, and any perceived risks.


A Red Alert or Man Down incident occurs and our Monitoring Center is alerted to an incident.


The operator listens to recent Check-In messages to facilitate a quick, informed response.

SoloProtect Check-In: Facilitating an effective response

The Check-In feature ensures your safety by allowing you to leave detailed messages about your location and itinerary. Know you're always connected and traceable in case of any unexpected incidents.

Frequently asked questions

What type of information should be communicated via a Check-In message?

Full name, current address (including zip code), current activity and any apparent or possible risk.

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When should a Check-In message be left?

A Check-In message should be performed as part of a dynamic risk assessment - particularly when arriving at a new location or starting a new activity.

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Where are Check-In messages stored?

Check-In messages are stored securely within SoloProtect's Monitoring Center and are only accessed by highly trained operators in the event of an emergency. Check-In messages are not issued to a lone worker's employer.

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Is the Check-In feature available on all devices and apps?

Yes, the Check-In feature is part of our core safety functionality and is therefore available on all of our lone worker safety devices and apps.

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