The Check-In feature allows a user to record a short message, providing information about their location and activity to inform any subsequent alerts.
How it works

Performed as part of a dynamic risk assessment

Why Check-In matters
A lone worker arrives at a new location, begins a new activity or identifies a new risk.
The worker records a short voice message detailing their name, current location and activity, and any perceived risks.
A Red Alert or Man Down incident occurs and our Monitoring Centre is alerted to an incident.

The operator listens to recent Check-In messages to facilitate a quick, informed response.
SoloProtect Check-In: Facilitating an effective response
Frequently asked questions
What type of information should be communicated via a Check-In message?
Full name, current address (including postcode), current activity and any apparent or possible risk.
When should a Check-In message be left?
A Check-In message should be performed as part of a dynamic risk assessment - particularly when arriving at a new location or starting a new activity.
Where are Check-In messages stored?
Check-In messages are stored securely within SoloProtect's Monitoring Centre and are only accessed by highly trained operators in the event of an emergency. Check-In messages are not issued to a lone worker's employer.
Is the Check-In feature available on all devices and apps?
Yes, the Check-In feature is part of our core safety functionality and is therefore available on all of our lone worker safety devices and apps.