SoloProtect Monitoring Centre operator on call.

Safety is our specialty

SoloProtect helps organisations across the UK to protect their greatest assets - their people. Our comprehensive end-to-end safety solution is the only one of its kind in the industry, covering every aspect from device deployment and user training to real-time monitoring and emergency response. Our technology is trusted by 370,000 lone workers, helping to keep them safe from both social and environmental risks.
SoloProtect building.
SoloProtect was formed in 2003, with the aim of providing innovative personal safety devices for lone or remote workers.

Initially, our customers base mainly comprised of government organisations with significant numbers of staff working alone, many out in the community. Over the last decade, an increasing number of private sector organisations and charities have also deployed a SoloProtect lone worker safety solution. This has been driven by a better understanding of how it can reduce risk, boost compliance, improve business continuity measures, protect brands, reduce staff attrition, and improve recruitment messages and staff wellbeing.

SoloProtect is owned by the Broady family, US investors with a proven track record of developing growth in recurring revenue and technology businesses.

Why choose SoloProtect?

Why choose SoloProtect?

With 21 years’ experience, SoloProtect has been protecting workers from social, environmental, and task-based risks across various sectors. Trusted by over 370,000 users in 15 countries, our lone worker technology is relied upon worldwide. Our operators listen to incidents within 4.9 seconds, 50% faster than BS 8484 standards, and initiate responses in just over 41 seconds. Our in-house development team constantly innovates, working closely with our customers, to improve our devices, apps, features, and services.

Get in touch →
Workers protected
Second response
Years in business


Constant protection

Our leadership team

We've brought together a team of people who, between them, have decades of experience in emergency communications, fire and safety, IT, GSM industries, customer services, account management and more.

Managing Director
Financial Director
Vice President Operations
Head of Marketing
Director of Software Development
Director of Customer Success
We are proud to the be the only complete lone worker solution with a 100% US emergency response team.

Our accreditations

ISO 27001: International Standard for Information Security (Citation)

Our ISO 27001 accreditation demonstrates our diligence and commitment to managing and protecting company and customer data.

ISO 9001: International Standard for Quality Management Systems (NSI)

Our dedication to delivering high-quality products and services is echoed by our ISO 9001 accreditation, which we are regularly audited on by the NSI.

BS 8484: British Standard for the Provision of Lone Worker Devices & Services (NSI)

It's this accreditation that allows us to bypass 999 and dial straight to the relevant police force using a Unique Reference Number (URN.)

Cyber Essentials Plus

This is the highest level of certification under the government scheme which rigorously tests our cyber security systems for vulnerabilities.

BS 7858: British Standard for Security Screening (NSI)

BS 7858 is the standard for pre-employment screening in the UK security industry. This ensures all SoloProtect employees are properly screened before beginning employment.

BS 9518: British Standard for the Processing of Alarm Signals by an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) (NSI)

BS 9518: 2021 compliments EN 50518. It provides ARC recommendations on working environments, response agreements, confidentiality and alarm system testing.

NPCC compliant

SoloProtect complies with the National Police Chief's Council (NPCC) guidelines for requesting police assistance via a URN number (rather than dialling 999.) Because of this relationship, we can guarantee a level 1 response every time our operators ask for police assistance.

British Security Industry Association Member

This is the trade association for the professional security industry in the UK, and we are a member. Through this membership we support excellence in the industry- particularly in the area of lone working.