Reducing our Carbon Footprint
We're always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint in the design, manufacture, and distribution of our devices. Here's a snapshot of what we're already doing to support the environmental agenda.
At SoloProtect, we’re committed to supporting the safety and wellbeing of lone workers in the UK and beyond. However, we also recognise the importance of minimising the environmental impact of our personal safety solution and our business operation for the wellbeing of future generations.
Here are just some of the things we’re doing to reduce our carbon footprint:
Device Design and Manufacture:
- Our device packaging is specifically designed to be 100% reusable and recyclable.
- Our lone worker devices are designed to use as little energy as possible.
- To reduce carbon emissions, our devices can now be configured and updated 'over the air' rather than being shipped back to us for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades.
- We minimise the number of raw materials required in the design of our devices which reduces the environmental impact of raw material extraction and leads to less waste when the product comes to the end of its life.
- We limit the use of heavy metals and other hazardous materials which helps to minimise the pollution that occurs during the manufacturing process and makes the product easier to recycle.
Waste Management:
- All our waste is separated before being collected for recycling by a CarbonSAVER Gold company.
- We comply with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive and Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations in relation to the way we recover damaged or obsolete lone worker devices and manage and recycle waste materials.
- We carefully select couriers who work to ISO 14001 standards and have carbon-neutral policies.
- We send and receive as much as we can in bulk to minimise the number of shipments required.
- Our devices are as light as possible to ensure they are both comfortable to wear and easier to ship.
- We minimise the number of component suppliers we use to reduce the need for separate deliveries.
Operations and Premises:
- We minimise the travel required to train our device users across the world by making use of webinar technology and the training features available within SoloProtect Insights.
- Any paper products we buy are recycled and recyclable.
- We’re an active participant in the cycle-to-work scheme and we encourage car sharing and the use of public transport where possible.
- We’ve minimised commuter travel with an increasing number of colleagues now working from home.
- The intelligent, energy-efficient, LED lighting system in our Monitoring Centre will ensure lights are automatically switched off when not required.
Computers and Printing:
- Screens, computers and printers will automatically go to sleep when not in use.
- We encourage our colleagues to only print documents when absolutely necessary.
- Our smart printers are designed to save paper, ink, and electricity.
If you have any questions about our environmental policy and carbon-reducing activities, please contact us.