Protecting Workers in the Construction Industry
Let's Talk Numbers
Our customers choose from a mix of safety features to best suit the requirements of their workforce, reduce risk, and improve occupational safety and wellbeing.
Protecting Workers in Construction

"Since adopting a SoloProtect lone worker solution, we’ve been pleased with how easily the solution has been adopted by our workforce and the positive impact it’s had on our operations."

"The SoloProtect solution gives us peace of mind that if a situation does arise, there is always someone there ready to listen, monitoring our safety and wellbeing."

"Many of our colleagues are in frontline, customer-facing roles and SoloProtect’s lone worker devices give them immediate access to support in the event of an emergency.”
Why is lone worker safety crucial for a safer construction industry?
Lone worker safety is essential for creating a safer construction industry. It demonstrates a commitment to worker wellbeing, ensures rapid responses to emergencies, reduces liability, and costs, and fosters a positive work culture. Prioritising lone worker security is a proactive step toward minimising risks and promoting a culture of care and responsibility in construction workplaces.
Which lone worker devices are ideal for construction workers?
Construction workers have a range of options when it comes to lone worker devices, including GPS-enabled devices, panic buttons, and man down alarms. These devices come with various features designed to enhance safety and communication. Organisations should carefully select the devices that align best with their unique safety requirements.
How can lone worker security solutions benefit construction organisations beyond safety?
Besides enhancing safety, lone worker security solutions can have several positive impacts on construction organisations. They can improve overall operational efficiency by enabling real-time monitoring of worker locations and quick response to emergencies. Additionally, a safer work environment can attract skilled workers and improve employee morale, leading to increased productivity and reduced turnover.