
How can Wi-Fi Calling improve lone worker safety?

SoloProtect has recently introduced Wi-Fi Calling to its touchscreen lone worker safety devices. How can this improve safety?

Light down arrow.White down arrow.

Wi-Fi Calling enables users to make calls through a Wi-Fi connection rather than relying on traditional cellular or 4G networks. This means that workers in areas or buildings with weak cellular connectivity can still access SoloProtect's safety features.

Wi-Fi Calling is particularly useful for workers in locations with poor signal quality, such as areas with extreme weather conditions, mountainous or hilly regions, buildings made of certain materials that block radio waves, coastal areas, and remote or rural locations.

By using Wi-Fi Calling, workers can still use their personal safety devices to call for help in emergency situations.

Some of the benefits of Wi-Fi Calling for lone or remote workers include:

  • It enables workers to use their safety devices in areas or buildings where cellular signals are weak or unavailable.
  • It provides connectivity in adverse weather conditions.
  • It improves voice quality in areas with weak cellular coverage.
  • It assures users that they have a reliable connection and can call for help if needed.

The Wi-Fi Calling feature can be managed through the SoloProtect Insights platform. Solution administrators can add details of available Wi-Fi networks, and devices will automatically connect to the designated networks when in range. Device users do not need to adjust any settings on their devices, and more than one Wi-Fi network can be added.

Wi-Fi Calling is an excellent solution for lone or remote workers who work from a fixed location or multiple sites with poor cellular signal quality.

If you're unsure whether Wi-Fi Calling would benefit your organization, contact SoloProtect for more information.