Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP)
We explain what the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) is, what it means to be SHARP certified and the benefits it can bring to your business.

What is the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program?
The Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) is a program offered by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). It recognizes small employers who have implemented exemplary safety and health programs in their workplaces.
What does it mean to be SHARP certified?
SHARP certification means that businesses have gone through a tough audit done by OSHA. They need to make sure that their workplace is safe and healthy for everyone who works there.
They must be able to show they are doing things like identifying risks, controlling those risks, keeping records, training people, having plans in case of emergencies, and checking the health and safety of workers regularly.
When businesses pass their SHARP audit, it shows that they care about safety and are taking steps to protect their employees.

What is a SHARP audit?
The SHARP audit is a comprehensive safety and health evaluation provided by an OSHA consultant, designed to assess the effectiveness of a business’s current safety and health management system. Specifically, it reviews an employer’s existing hazard identification, control measures, recordkeeping systems, training programs, emergency preparedness plans, and evaluations of worker health and safety.
During the audit, OSHA inspectors gather evidence of existing safety protocols. They will observe job site operations, watch tasks being performed, review available records and documents related to the worksite/job functions (such as data logging or maintenance records), interview workers about their safety training and experience at the job site, inspect materials used in certain processes or tasks for compliance with applicable regulations. Furthermore, during the audit process, OSHA may also request additional information from employers to obtain a clearer picture of their safety and health management system.
In addition to assessing existing protocols at the worksite/job functions, SHARP auditors will also look for potential risks that may be present in other areas such as employee access points like stairwells or ladders; electrical outlets or equipment; chemical storage; noise levels on production lines; and lone working etc. Employers are expected to provide documentation showing they have taken proactive steps to address these issues to maintain safe conditions. If any areas are deemed unsafe after an inspection or if any areas require further action by employers, they must be addressed immediately before re-inspection can occur.
What are the benefits of SHARP?
The SHARP certification can be a great asset for employers as it demonstrates their commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment. Additionally, businesses that are certified under SHARP may qualify for exemption from programmed inspections by OSHA and other incentives. Therefore, businesses should seriously consider undergoing the SHARP audit to reap all the benefits associated with it.
How can a lone worker safety solution help with SHARP compliance?
Implementing a lone worker safety solution can be an invaluable part of any business' safety and health program. A robust lone worker safety solution can help businesses meet the stringent requirements of the SHARP audit by providing additional protection for employees who are working alone or in isolated/remote locations.
This type of solution can provide a quick and easy way for employees to call for help in an emergency (Red Alert Panic Button), detect a man-down situation, help employers track the latest locations of employees and much more. These features and capabilities can help businesses ensure their workers are safe on the job and ultimately make it easier for them to achieve SHARP certification.
Did you know we offer discounts on lone worker safety solutions for all SHARP-accredited organizations? For more information, please contact us.
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