
What’s the best personal alarm for your workforce?

In this week’s blog we consider what makes the best personal alarm devices and take a look at what supports and powers a comprehensive personal safety solution.

Light down arrow.White down arrow.

There are a number of different personal alarms available to help support your employees. Whether they’re working alone or in a high-risk environment choosing the best personal alarm for your workers can be a daunting task, so how do we go about choosing a personal alarm?

Do your employees need a personal safety alarm?

The first question to consider is do personal alarms work? The simple answer to this is that it really depends on the kind of system you have in place. To find out more about this read our blog, Are Personal Attack Alarms Effective? 

What is the best personal alarm for your employees

The best personal alarms in the UK will undoubtedly be monitored, what this means is, instead of relying on the good faith of strangers to intervene, when you activate an alarm a trained monitoring call centre operator will be listening, recording and if applicable escalating the situation to the relevant emergency services.

Take a look at our blog: Panic alarms: traditional vs monitored.

So, you’ve chosen to go with a monitored solution, what next? What is the best personal alarm for your employees?

Any monitored personal alarm provider worth its salt will provide a variety of form factors, including dedicated devices and apps, but what’s right for one person may not be suitable for someone else. For example, if your employees require discretion then the ID badge form factor, similar to that of SoloProtect ID, is for you.

Is the ID form factor the best personal alarm for you?



An ID badge personal alarm is best suited to anyone that already wears an ID badge as part of their daily uniform. Industries such as retail, healthcare, housing, local government etc, where ID badges are common practice, and will not get in the way or interfere with daily duties, mean this type of wearable alarm will fit seamlessly onto a user’s attire.

As well as this, users in these sectors are more likely to be customer/client-facing, meaning your employees will have an improved chance of facing social risk, for example, having to deal with an aggressive member of the public. As a result of this, the discretion offered by an ID badge form factor undoubtedly makes this the best personal alarm for the safety of employees working in these types of job roles.

However, what if you can’t wear an ID badge? What if you work in an industry, such as construction, where wearing an ID badge could be detrimental to your safety?

What is the best personal alarm for construction workers?

If you’re in an industry where an ID badge isn’t suitable, or you’re looking for something a little more robust, then you might want the best personal alarm to carry, or attach to your keys, this could come in the shape of a fob.

Industries that carry a greater threat of environmental risks, such as construction, will be more suited to a fob-style personal alarm. Robust, light, compact, and easy to use undoubtedly make fobs the best personal alarm for employees working in these types of job roles.


What about a mobile app? 

Alternatively, a mobile app may be more suited to your business needs. A mobile app gives you great flexibility to support your teams. Most, if not all of your employees will have smartphones and some of which the company itself have invested in.

For more information visit SoloProtect Mobile.

What’s the power behind a SoloProtect personal alarm solution?

All SoloProtect personal alarm systems are supported by SoloProtect Insights. A comprehensive customer portal that’s key to any successful solution deployment. It gives complete lone worker management by reducing admin for your team and it can help you create a team structure that reflects your organisation. As well as this, you can access key metrics via a series of easily digestible reporting dashboards to help you review users and team structure, key statistics around usage behaviour, and to understand which employees need an increased level of support or need to add emergency contacts.

SoloProtect Insights


What else is included in a SoloProtect personal alarm solution?

  • Your choice of the best personal alarm devices*
  • UK-based lone worker solution training via SoloProtect Insights
  • In-house, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, state-of-the-art, EN 50518 accredited monitoring support
  • In-house customer support team
  • Comprehensive monthly reporting
  • Dedicated account manager

*Does not apply to mobile-app-only solutions.

Other benefits

A proactive solution is clearly the best personal alarm equipment in any situation for peace of mind. Ensuring your employees are suitably protected and have immediate support should anything happen, will undoubtedly benefit your workforce, however, your business can also greatly benefit from a protected workforce.

Some benefits include:

  • Greater brand reputationa company that looks after its employees will always be seen in a good light
  • Attract and retain the best staffa company that truly cares about its employees is an attractive proposition
  • Lower insurance premiums
  • Reduced risk of fines and other penalties for not protecting lone workers

For more information about the safety, operational and financial benefits of investing in a lone worker solution, take a look at our business case.

Stay safe.


Investing in a personal safety solution


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