
Health & Safety for Retail

We explain the diverse risks that retail workers face, how the SoloProtect solution can help your organisation to manage those risks.

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It’s been widely reported that incidents of violence, abuse and aggression towards retail workers have increased significantly in recent times, perhaps aggravated due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

There has also been a significant increase in lone working, particularly where staff are on their own on the shop floor or they open or close up alone.

Therefore, fulfilling your duty of care commitments and putting measures in place to keep retail workers safe has never been more important - ensuring both staff retention and brand protection.

In this short guide, we explain the diverse risks that retail workers face, how the SoloProtect solution can help your organisation to manage those risks, and the benefits for managers and those working in loss prevention.

Please enter your details below to access our Guide to Personal Safety Solutions for Retail Workers.

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