"Since adopting a SoloProtect lone worker solution, we’ve been pleased with the support we’ve received from the company, and how easily the solution has been adopted by our workforce, and the positive impact it’s had on our operations."
Edina has chosen a SoloProtect lone worker solution to help protect mobile workers and to assist with job completion reporting.
Edina Ltd has chosen a SoloProtect lone worker solution to help protect mobile workers and to assist with job completion reporting. SoloProtect supplies Edina engineers with the fully-managed, BS 8484:2016 approved solution, featuring SoloProtect ID Touch, the most widely-used dedicated lone worker device.
Edina is a leading supplier, installer and maintenance provider for natural gas and biogas combined heat and power (CHP) solutions. As the sole distributor for MWM manufactured gas engines in the UK and Ireland, Edina provides a range of support services to meet and exceed the requirements of their clients to ensure the security of power supply, reduce energy costs and carbon emissions, and develop new business through energy-efficient CHP application.
With offices across the UK, Ireland and Australia, and over 200 personnel, Edina has a number of lone working engineers that provide on-site installation, support, maintenance, diagnostic and repair services to a number of CHP plants within the NHS trust, Universities, industrial and commercial, public and private sectors, agricultural, farming, sewage wastewater treatment, and food processing sectors.
SoloProtect ID, chosen by Edina, is a discreet, ID badge-style device for lone workers. It’s commonly worn on a lanyard, or belt clip - depending on a worker’s clothing and apparel. This allows the device to easily form part of a lone worker’s PPE and be within easy reach should it be needed.

The Group Chief Engineer at Edina commented:
"Since adopting a SoloProtect lone worker solution, we’ve been pleased with the support we’ve received from the company, and how easily the solution has been adopted by our workforce, and the positive impact it’s had on our operations."
Edina’s devices are supported by SoloProtect’s in-house, 24/7 Monitoring Centre which is accredited to EN 50518, the European Standard for Alarm Receiving Centres.
When an Alert is raised by an Edina user, the ID device opens a call with the Monitoring Centre where operators will listen in to the incident, quickly establish the severity, and initiate a response e.g. calling the police, ambulance, or a manager.
The SoloProtect solution chosen by Edina also includes access to SoloProtect's Mobile Workforce Management system, an online management tool. It allows managers to improve communication between lone workers, facilitates efficient redeployment decisions and helps to improve efficiency. Edina uses the platform to deploy lone workers, share job information across the workforce, and demonstrate job completion to their customers. This enables Edina to obtain a range of operational benefits, whilst primarily being concerned with the safety of their lone workers.
Many lone workers use SoloProtect ID as a means to call for help when they're faced with social risk such as verbal abuse and aggression. However, typically, Edina personnel are more likely to face an environmental risk due to working alone, on-site at a fixed or potentially remote location. This type of activity is more associated with a risk of incapacitation (sometimes referred to as "Man Down"). In the event that an engineer suffers a slip, trip, fall, or health issue, SoloProtect ID's automatic incapacitation alarm will contact the Monitoring Centre on the lone worker’s behalf.
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