John Lewis Partnership

"By deploying a SoloProtect lone worker solution we’ve ensured a potentially serious situation was resolved without incident."

"By deploying a SoloProtect lone worker solution we’ve ensured a potentially serious situation was resolved without incident."

A John Lewis driver recently used his SoloProtect personal safety device when he became stranded on the upper deck of his trailer.

As a highly recognised Great British brand, John Lewis strongly believes in safeguarding the wellbeing of its employees, including those in lone working roles. This is why they have invested in SoloProtect’s personal safety solution.

The business focuses on ensuring their workforce is fully prepared should an incident occur, which was recently evident in a situation involving a lone working driver …

In a case that could have had serious consequences, a John Lewis driver became stranded on the upper deck of a trailer when the electrics failed and the internal lifting deck became disarmed. The driver didn’t panic and, thanks to comprehensive training and the deployment of a SoloProtect lone worker device, the situation was resolved without incident.

The Project Implementation Manager for John Lewis said:

"It’s hugely important to us to have precautions in place to protect all our staff and this incident is a reminder of the dangers involved in lone working. We believe in being proactive when it comes to the health and wellbeing of our employees and it’s paid off. By deploying a SoloProtect lone worker solution, we’ve ensured a potentially serious situation was resolved without incident."

John Lewis chose SoloProtect for a number of reasons but discreet devices and focus on customer support were big selling points. John Lewis is very happy with the service offered by SoloProtect, as the Project Implementation Manager explains:

"SoloProtect has been there for us right from the very beginning, through the onboarding process, onto training and helping us drive usage. The service from the Monitoring Centre when a genuine 'Red Alert' occurs has been excellent and the incident with one of our drivers reassured us that the solution is fit for purpose."

The SoloProtect solution is accredited to BS 8484 (the British Standard for Lone Worker Device Services) which means we can dial straight into the regional police force, saving valuable time in an emergency. The solution includes the chosen SoloProtect device(s), 24/7 monitoring, and device training, plus access to SoloProtect Insights - our online platform for the end-to-end management of the solution and wider visibility of mobile teams.

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